EU Mission Area: Cancer
The KATY project addresses the EU mission area, Cancer, and thus tackles one of the biggest societal challenges we currently face.
EU missions are aiming to solve some of the greatest challenges of the modern world like fighting cancer, adapting to climate change, protecting our oceans, living in greener cities and ensuring soil health and food. EU missions are striving to achieve their respective goals through a concerted effort of key players and targeted actions, such as research projects, policy measures or legislative initiatives.
Cancer affects everyone, regardless of age, gender or social status and places a tremendous burden on patients, families, healthcare systems and wider society. As a result of an ageing population, increasingly unhealthy lifestyles, and more and more unfavourable social, environmental and working conditions, cancer is becoming more prevalent in Europe. It is predicted that by 2035, 4.3 million people will be newly diagnosed with cancer in Europe every year, representing a 23% increase from today’s figures, if no further action is taken. Reversing these trends and conquering cancer is a critical challenge in the 21st century.
Along with other initiatives in this mission area, the KATY project aims to help more people live without cancer and ensure more cancer patients are diagnosed early, suffer less and have a better quality of life after treatment.
Watch this video by the European Commission to learn more about the EU mission area, Cancer: