AI-Empowered Personalised Medicine System to Improve Cancer Treatments

Offering tailor-made treatments for patients, artificial intelligence (AI) promises a new paradigm for healthcare. AI helps to diagnose patients more accurately, make predictions about their future health, and recommend better treatments. However, translating AI-based suggestions into practical decision-making processes and treatment strategies is a major challenge.

The EU-funded KATY project will develop an AI-empowered personalised medicine system that will greatly assist medical professionals and researchers in their daily work. Bringing easy-to-understand AI data to their fingertips, this next-generation technology will bridge the gap between AI data and medical application. It will thus become a powerful tool in diagnosing, treating and defeating serious illnesses. As a stress test, the KATY project will initially experiment with data from patients with a rare and complex form of kidney cancer.

Watch our animated video to learn more about the KATY goals!

54 Months
54 Months
8.5 Million €
8.5 Million €
11 Countries
20 Partners
11 Countries


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“KATY aims to give clinicians the power of knowledge: Knowing which is the best available cure for a specific patient will change the outcome of cancer treatments. For this reason, KATY will put tailored clinical knowledge in the hands of clinicians and patients by developing explainable Artificial Intelligence predictors. I am excited to be working with such an excellent team of international and multidisciplinary experts on this important project. AI-based personalized medicine is the future of healthcare and, with KATY, we are going to take a big step forward.”

Prof. Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italy
KATY Project Coordinator